Declaration of the Rights of the River Cam 21st June 2020

Close to a hundred people gathered on Jesus Green in Cambridge for the first declaration of river rights in the UK, despite the cold and the drizzle.
A procession of water spirits brought drama to proceedings.
Paul Powlesland, barrister and founder of Lawyers for Nature tells us that although the document has no legal standing, if we hold it to be true it will have a big impact.
Tony Booth leads the reading of the Declaration of the Rights of the River Cam, and all rivers.
Our River Cam, one of only 200 chalk streams in the world, now has close to a hundred guardians
Many brought banners, tapestries and art to display at the event.
The focus moved to the river itself as some swam, some dipped their toes and others looked on as we connected with our river.
Representatives of the Cambridge Schools Eco Council showed their support for the River, with Jona Cordonnier-Gehring, left, Nico Cordonnier Gehring, centre, and Junayd Islam, 2nd from right and Ella Hone, right.