
According to the Environment Agency, Cambridge Water need to reduce abstraction by 22 million litres of water per day from current rates. See appendix 3 


This cannot be achieved through demand management, leakage reduction or license trading for two reasons; first, according to the National Audit Office, these strategies have consistently failed anyway 


and second, the frenzy of growth in the Greater Cambridge Area shows no sign slowing down, and only serves to increase demand. 

Water Resources East, an organisation controlled largely by water companies has the responsibility to find solutions. Anglian Water is building a pipeline to bring water to Ipswich, however this is unlikely to help the Cam Valley. 


Cambridge Water (owned by South Staffordshire Plc, in turn owned by Arjun Infrastructure Partners (55. 1% share, managing the company on behalf of 20 prominent institutional investors worth £3.9 bn), Mitsubishi UFJ Lease and Finance Company Ltd (19.9%) and Mitsubishi Corporation (25%)). 

It has no plans at this moment to build new infrastructure, and the Government is taking no action to revoke their license on grounds of environmental damage and ecocide.